techtalks schedule

TECHTalks are exhibitor and sponsor led technical presentations and case studies. These are free to attend on the expo floor and included in the Expo and Conference registrations.

Tuesday, October 25

10:00 am - 10:30 am

Tackling Scope 3 Emissions Associated with Construction and Site Services


Presenter: Melissa Gall, Decarbonization Lead and Assistant Project Manager, PME Inc.


PME Inc. is a self-performing civil industrial construction company that serves across Canada. We are always striving towards a better tomorrow and a more innovative future. As an industry leader, PME plays a vital role in paving a pathway towards reducing your carbon emissions while simultaneously moving towards more sustainable, eco-friendly initiatives that adhere to industry standards.

PME Inc. presents our program, Carbon Conscious Construction (C3). This program was created as a tool for our clients to tackle their Greenhouse Gas emissions associated with construction and site services of their projects and facilities. PME is proud to have designed this program to provide our clients with greater transparency and understanding of emissions associated with their projects. Through this “Consciousness” PME can work collaboratively with their clients and industry partners, finding strategies to achieve meaningful reductions and/or achieve project-specific socio-economic goals.


Will be covering an introduction to carbon accounting, often overlooked differences between contract-level reporting (C3 program) and organizational or reduction-project reporting, and the problems that go along with it. Will also cover experiences from two of our pilot projects in the Alberta Industrial Heartland.

1:30 pm - 2:00 pm

Powering Off-Grid Cleantech for Emissions Reduction


Presenter: Laura Kennedy, President, Global Power Technologies


Leveraging decades of experience in reliably powering off-grid industrial sites around the world, GPT will give an overview of the challenges and trade-offs in powering off-grid applications up to 10kW. Efficiency, emissions, reliability, and other factors will be reviewed to help users understand the practical implications of renewable, hybrid, prime power generation, and backup power generation technologies on the market today.


GPT will illustrate how they have provided solutions to meet the challenges the industry faces in off-grid electrification, instrument air, data monitoring, instrumentation, corrosion protection and other applications. Our showcase examples will include Solar Hybrid TEG (H-TEG) systems, Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and Instrument Air packages.

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Using Business Model Innovation to Unlock ESG and Decarbonization Opportunities


Presenter: Dan Forget, Director, Business Development, Kanin Energy


The industrial sector accounts for one-third of global energy demand and a quarter of global GHG emissions. While heavy industry consumes a lot of energy, often from fossil fuels, up to 58% is lost to the atmosphere in the form of waste heat during the industrial process. Kanin Energy (“Kanin”) utilizes an innovative third-party finance model to turn the waste heat into 24/7 carbon free energy. This third-party finance model, popularized by the US solar industry, allows waste heat to power to scale compared to a traditional host-funded model. Industrial facilities benefit from waste heat recovery as an additional revenue stream an also receive the ESG benefits, with no capital expenditure required. The Kanin approach is unlocking capital needed for industrial facilities to decarbonize their operations and could be a model to scale other decarbonization solutions as well.

Wednesday, October 26

10:00 am - 10:30 am

Unlocking Economic Zero Bleed Pneumatic Instrument Air Retrofits: A Review of Learnings from Westgen’s Emission Reduction Alberta Demonstration Project


Presenter: Connor O'Shea, CEO, Westgen Technologies



Methane has a greenhouse gas intensity 25 times greater than CO2. According to the IEA, methane venting from pneumatic devices in the oil and gas industry is responsible for 532.5 million tonnes of CO2e per year, the equivalent of all emissions from 22% of the world’s coal fired power plants[1].


Historically, a lack of cost-effective power generation solutions and the resulting high cost to deploy instrument air on remote sites has been one of the root causes of our industry’s legacy of venting gas to atmosphere through pneumatic devices.


In July 2020, Westgen Technologies Inc. in conjunction with Emissions Reduction Alberta, Sustainable Technology Development Canada, and ten Canadian oil and gas companies undertook a project to develop and demonstrate a solution for eliminating methane venting from pneumatics on legacy wellsites in Alberta. The EPOD-Mini system, based on Westgen’s Global Energy Award winning EPOD power generation technology, presents an opportunity for emissions reductions projects with positive economics based on carbon credits and fuel gas expense savings. The project started with a desktop study of pneumatics inventory data from hundreds of wellsites. Crews were then deployed to the field to measure emissions rates and compare them against estimates. This data was used to inform design conditions to cover a large of variety of wellsite configurations.


The next phase of the project involved deployment of 10 EPOD units equipped with an array of sensors and measurement devices. Real time data was collected from the EPODs on variables such as peak and average air compressor flow rates, compressor run times, and energy usage. Oil sampling and lab analysis was completed to understand performance of the engine while burning variable composition raw well gas.


Westgen applied the learnings from each phase of the project to develop the EPOD-Mini in Q4 2020. In the final phase of the project, 10 EPOD-Minis were deployed to remote wellsites for testing. The units will be closely monitored throughout 2021 to gather learnings and inform product improvements. An application for carbon credits will be pursued based on emission reductions achieved by the project.


The Westgen team will compile data generated through the project to outline the technical and commercial case for instrument air retrofits. Learnings to be shared will include delineation of applicable sites, reliability metrics, cost estimates, and projected economic returns by site type.


Westgen believes that this Alberta case study will have broad applicability and will inspire jurisdictions across the globe to follow Alberta’s lead in eliminating this significant environment impact of our industry.


  (IEA Methane Tracker (2020), retrieved from:

10:30 am - 11:00 am

Enabling Scope 3 Emission Estimation Through Digital Shipping Documents 


Presenter: Amit Bhargava, Co-founder & CEO, EnviroApps Inc.



Canada’s Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) regulations currently require that paper shipping documents accompany most dangerous goods in transport. The documents include information on the products being moved and provide First Responders vital information to assist with incident response. Unfortunately, paper documents have challenges regarding their legibility, completeness, and accuracy, which can cause delays and introduce significant risks. Transport Canada’s Regulatory Sandbox Project allows the opportunity to use digital TDG shipping documentation. 


Given the current challenges of pandemic, world oil price volatility and tough to find human resources, increasingly organizations are now considering digital solutions to gain efficiencies. Also, due to the consistent increase in pressure from stakeholders to improve transparency through Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting, it is now important to improve data quality and estimate GHG emissions. 


High-quality ESG data is of paramount importance as companies are being measured by financial stakeholders; required for better decision-making; and supporting the narrative for disclosure. However, several ESG data challenges exist today for “Metrics that Matter”. Tremendous effort goes into data collection and reconciliation from internal various sources; data collection from supply chain and other Scope 3 GHG emissions is even tougher. On top of it, data collection processes sometimes don’t have a defensible audit trail, particularly paper-based processed.


Scope 3 GHG emissions related to transportation of dangerous goods and waste are extremely tedious to calculate based on paper forms. EnviroApps has developed a Management System (ez2Track) that includes an automated process to estimate Scope 3 GHG emissions and gather reliable ESG Reporting data, effortlessly. With the fuel costs being high, it is extremely important now to consider optimization of routes especially for multiple pick-ups and deliveries, besides GHG emission reduction targets. EnviroApps is working with industry partners to provide the visibility required on Scope 3 GHG emissions which is the starting point to take measures to achieve reductions. 


11:00 am - 11:30 am

University of Calgary PoMELO – Vehicle-based Methane Measurement System Technology Overview


Presenter: Thomas Barchyn, Research Project Manager, University of Calgary 



Effectively managing methane from upstream oil and gas sites is an important challenge amid rapidly evolving regulations. The University of Calgary PoMELO system is a vehicle-based emissions measurement system designed to detect, locate, and measure methane emissions on upstream sites. We outline the technology that makes this possible, industrially reliable, and efficient for operators.


The PoMELO system starts with a field-proven rooftop sensor package. The system can easily be mounted to a regular field truck, powered through the power port, and operated via a tablet. The methane, position, and wind sensors are immediately processed through custom algorithms to create a live display of important data.


Although data are essential, the real heart of PoMELO is our custom algorithms. Within minutes of arriving on a site operators can have a map of emitting equipment, with emissions rate estimates. This has been made possible through extensive research and development into plume models and a streamlined user interface. No post-processing is required, and operators are armed with quality data onsite.


Immediate emissions data onsite is a technological innovation that has proven to be a practical game changer. Operators can immediately go from data to root cause in one visit, following up with OGI and their knowledge of the real equipment in front of them, leaving the site with a full understanding of abatement opportunities. Operators do not perform separate follow-up visits, minimizing windshield time and improving methane program efficiency.


With broadscale methane emissions measurement PoMELO creates new data management challenges. We outline how PoMELO data management utilities enable risk-based emissions management and real-time top-down bottom-up emissions reconciliation with carefully understood uncertainties. Our data management research and development is designed to support transitions across methane management to measurement-based methane emissions accounting frameworks – now and into the future. 

1:30 pm - 2:00 pm

Methane Mitigation, Start with the Question!


Presenter: Stephen Conley, Chairman, Scientific Aviation, Inc.



Everyone seeks the silver bullet, a singular device capable of solving difficult problems. While methane mitigation is no easy feat, there are numerous providers who will suggest their widget is indeed the silver bullet. They claim the one and only technology will solve your methane problems.  Unfortunately, that technology does not exist.


Although modest reductions are achievable with any device, maximizing the methane abated versus cost involves knowing how available tools fit together into a holistic methane reduction package. 


Working with existing detection options: planes, helicopters, drones, satellites, OGI cameras, and continuous monitoring and consider how to deploy these technologies in a way which achieves maximum benefit for minimum cost. 


Dr. Steve Conley will discuss proven methane detection systems and how his work with studies such as METEC (Methane Emissions Technology Evaluation Centre), Project Falcon and an important case study with TRP Energy, to assist producers in exceeding expectations for accuracy, profit leakage, quantification and reliable analytics.

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Eliminate Methane Emissions and reduce maintenance with Electric Controls & Actuators


Presenter: Doug Bezpalko, Manager Technical Solutions, Calscan Solutions



The broad range of mandated regulations has resulted in the creation of a complex and multiorganizational system of management that includes energy producers, various government departments, and several commercial and nongovernmental organizations.  This has not only added additional cost to the development of the energy that we need and the byproducts it produces but has also created mistrust and reputational damage to the great advances that have been made to eliminate the negative effects.  Today, cost-effective, innovative solutions exist to eliminate and reduce these harmful emissions and Calscan is one of many companies committed to helping producers eliminate and reduce methane emissions from the oil and gas industry.

Methods, Procedures, Process:


In 2010, Calscan Solutions developed a product called Bear Solar Electric Control System to prevent sour or wet gas from interfering with the function of pneumatic devices on well sites. The goal was to reduce the time and cost associated with maintaining pneumatic devices.  The Bear Solar Electric Control system completely replaces all pneumatically powered devices on a well site or on a production site with electric controls and can be implemented in nearly every situation.  The solution enhances safety, saves maintenance costs and as an additional benefit, ensures zero gas emissions by replacing pneumatic devices with electric which means methane gas that would have previously been lost into thin air is now a valuable commodity retained for sale.

With the ability to comply to the variety of electrical safety codes, meet the most severe environmental conditions, and be simple and easy to install on new or existing valves without interrupting operations the decision to use controls and electric actuators is an easy one. The Calscan Solutions patented “Bear Fail Safe System” is used by other electric actuator manufacturers to assist them in helping the industry achieve zero methane emissions. 

Because Calscan is focused primarily on actuation in low-power solar and fuel cell applications, many existing and or remote sites can be easily upgraded to be emission compliant.  If utility power exists, there is very little or no impact to the power consumption and can eliminate the need for air compressors required for pneumatic devices.  


Results, Observations, Conclusions:

Calscan Solutions has currently done around 500 well sites with 2500 electric actuators.  We currently have 250 well sites booked for 2022.

• Zero emissions for the life of the site

• Full compliance with regulations 

• Fits on existing valves and existing controls

• Patented Fail-Safe Option on all actuators

• Safer operating conditions for field personnel by eliminating venting of methane and dangerous H2S

• Eliminate maintenance issues from pneumatic devices and actuators using wet/sour/dirty fuel gas.

• Easy wellsite optimization using Artificial Intelligence

Thursday, October 27

10:00 am - 10:30 am

CO2 Metering and Measurement – An Overview


Presenters: Don Ford, Technical Specialist, Spartan Controls & Kent Swanlund, Technical Specialist, Spartan Controls



A key part of Carbon Capture and sequestration is measuring and quantifying CO2. Measurement of the actual CO2 content is key at several points along the capture, transportation and sequestration process. Various analysis methods can be used for direct CO2 measurement, while pipeline requirements may include analysis of other contaminants. Federal requirements for the generation of carbon credits also requires accurate metering for reporting total mass of CO2, with requirements similar to custody transfer in other processes. Selecting the correct instrumentation can simplify the process for staying compliant. Join us as we discuss some of the requirements in CO2 capture and sequestration, and various measurement methods to meet these requirements.

11:00 am - 11:00 am

Live Model Demonstration of the E2E Infinite Energy System


Presenter: Domenico (Nick) Daprocida, President & CE0, E2E Energy Solutions


E2E Energy Solutions is a Canadian renewable energy company based out of Calgary, Alberta.


We are focused on engineering large scale commercially viable Geothermal power generation projects using our game changing deep subterranean enhancement processes EGRRS (Enhanced Geothermal Reservoir Recovery System) and our closed looped process Infinite Energy System.


Today Geothermal power generation is only economically viable in select regions of the world, where hot subterranean fluids can be accessed close to the earth’s surface and easily harvested for power generation and or source heat.  E2E’s innovative technology will expand the viability of geothermal power generation opportunities well beyond existing boundaries.


Infinite Energy System:

       Infinite production of energy

       Self-perpetuating system

       Can produce geothermal energy in areas previously not suitable for power generation

       Has the ability to produce large scale base load power and source heat